Wilton Junction Stakeholder Engagement

Project Info:
The Directors of Holmes Dyer were involved in the master planning of Wilton Junction, a 50,000 person 15,000 worker new town south west of Sydney.
The Directors were responsible for:
- Preparation of master plans, town centre concepts, district recreation space concepts and key location designs;
- Input into the retail and employment strategies;
- Establishment of a centres’ hierarchy;
- Input into the transport network formulation;
- Review of native vegetation, bushfire risk, riparian lands and interfaces with existing development; and
- Undertaking of a visual analysis.
Our stakeholder engagement role included:
- The co-ordination of multiple landowners;
- The running of workshops with Council staff and elected representatives, State Government and community groups;
- Conducting of a design charrette;
- Participation in the public consultation process, including open days, information displays and feedback mechanisms;
- Preparation of display boards for public consultation;
- Preparation of materials for a dedicated information website; and
- Presentations to public meetings.