Wilton Junction Master Plan

Project Info:
Directors of Holmes Dyer have been involved in the master planning and research underpinning the rezoning of Wilton Junction, a 50,000 person 15,000 worker new town south west of Sydney.
The Directors were responsible for:
- The co-ordination of multiple landowners;
- Preparation of Master Plans, town centre and key location designs;
- Input into the retail and employment strategies;
- Establishment of a centres’ hierarchy;
- Input into the transport network formulation;
- The running of workshops with Council staff and elected representatives, State Government and community groups; and
- Participation in the public consultation process, including open days, information displays and feedback mechanisms.
They were was also involved in the preparation of a visual analysis, an open space study, which specifically addresses standards for passive and active recreational and open space and an education facility needs and location assessment (for public and private schools).
The Master Plan addresses a range of important issues, including the undulating topography, extensive areas of native vegetation, bushfire management, infrastructure delivery, a comprehensive transport network requirement both internal and external to the site, noise attenuation to road and rail facilities and the consequences of subsidence from coal mining.