Economic Game Changers for Mid Murray Council

Project Info:
In 2017, Mid Murray Council embarked on a participative approach to identify economic ‘Game Changing’ themes. This process identified tourism, market investment and transport as initiatives as areas for future exploration and development.
Holmes Dyer was subsequently engaged by Mid Murray Council to prepare a succinct economic and research analysis of the opportunities for and challenges to Mid Murray Council establishing a framework that can underpin the creation of an Economic Development Strategy for Council. The Economic Game Changers report succinctly considered each Game Changing theme to:
- Assess the economic impact of the theme to the region/Council;
- Establish a brief context for each theme; and
- Suggest potential next steps.
To further round out the analysis, this report introduced an overarching context that was not previously articulated when developing the three Game Changers, that includes:
- Council’s operating context;
- Strategic planning context; and
- Demographic and socio-economic snapshot