Norwest Business Park - Circa Precinct

Project Info:
Holmes Dyer assisted in the master planning of the final stage of Norwest Business Park in Bella Vista, NSW. This has involved an understanding and appreciation of the market for a range of commercial, retail, residential and retirement uses, expected floorspace footprints and take up rates, and the potential for integration of a mix of land uses.
The concept involved establishment of a core commercial precinct focused upon a main street which will provide a major pedestrian plaza and a series of pedestrian linkages, all supported by interactive ground floor uses such as cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and commercial facilities. There will be a strong emphasis on the pedestrian environment and the creation of attractive gathering spaces for performances, for meeting with friends, for sitting and relaxing, for temporary market places and for outdoor dining and entertainment.
Through the titling of the site and the appointment of an events manager, Mulpha NORWEST will deliver an activated space that is attractive, well maintained and alive with events that draw regular crowds.
The core will include a number of office towers, providing a substantial day time population, while surrounding areas will include commercial space, high technology enterprises, a retirement village, serviced apartments and residential opportunities which will extend the length of activation of the precinct.
The catalyst for delivery of this integrated, mixed use urban precinct has been the North West Rail Line, which has two stations in Norwest Business Park. Holmes Dyer analysed the land use and floorspace development opportunities generated by this significant transport infrastructure and made recommendations regarding zoning, building heights and floorspace densities required to capture the development potential of the new train line.