Aldinga Urban Lands Development Plan Amendment (DPA) and Investigations

Project Info:
Holmes Dyer was engaged by Remen Nominees Pty Ltd to conduct and prepare a privately funded Development Plan Amendment (DPA) to rezone an existing Deferred Urban Zone area to Residential to add to the land supply in Southern Adelaide.
To maintain an adequate residential land supply in the southern region, the DPA was undertaken to respond to the demand for new and affordable housing and provide diversity through various allotment sizes and housing products. In addition, the DPA supports residential development on land in support of the existing District Centre and open space, and encourages pedestrian and cycling activity.
The scope of the investigations included:
- Effectively working with Council, and in liaison with the State, to guide the DPA process and to deliver an integrated land use plan for Aldinga;
- Collaborating with various sub-consultants including traffic, civil, noise, and environmental;
- Preparing comprehensive investigations including:
- Housing supply/built form character and design assessment;
- Human services analysis; and
- Open space analysis.
- Engagement and presentations to key stakeholders and the community; and
- Development of planning policy to enable a suitable design framework for future development proposals.
The DPA was approved by the Minister on 13 December 2018.